Industry Event: Speaking Role

Industry Event: Speaking Role

10x1000 Connect for Inclusion 2022 Launch Event

14 March 2022
10x1000 Connect for Inclusion 2022 Launch Event

Take your career to the next level with 10x1000 Tech for Inclusion in 2022! The 10x1000 Connect for Inclusion 2022 Launch Event is just a few weeks away. Sign up today to reserve your spot to attend this event organized by member Ant Financial!

What to expect in the event?

New fintech programs and “connect” experience reveal! We will announce several entirely new fintech programs with more cutting-edge industry insights and best practices from global industry leaders. In addition, our new “connect” activities will bring you a more dynamic networking experience. 

Reunite with the community! Thanks to the efforts of you and the entire community, we made some remarkable achievements in 2021. Let’s take the opportunity to review and celebrate our 2021 accomplishments.

Network with fintech professionals from around the world! We’ll have a designated networking session for you to connect and exchange ideas with the global 10x1000 fintech community.

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