


CGAP Impact Pathways Platform
Financial Inclusion
About the Impact Pathfinder Welcome to the Impact Pathfinder, an evidence platform designed to shed light on the impact of financial inclusion on development. By leveraging existing research, this platform outlines pathways that show how financial services and products can contribute to key development outcomes, such as building resilience,...
Central Bank Digital Currency Tracker
Digital Financial Services
What exactly is a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)? A CBDC is virtual money backed and issued by a central bank. As cryptocurrencies and stablecoins have become more popular, the world’s central banks have realized that they need to provide an alternative—or let the future of money pass them by. There are a lot of reasons to explore virtual...
eLearning: Credit Information Systems Focusing Small and Medium Enterprises
Non Financial Services
Credit Risk & Scoring
These course is intended to provide SMEs with the knowledge about MSME financing, credit information sharing, the role of credit information service providers, credit Reports, credit Score, and dispute resolution process.
eLearning: Secured Transactions, Collateral Registries and Movable Asset Based Financing
Supply & Value Chain Finance
Credit Risk & Scoring
Designed for World Bank Group Task Team Leaders, Collateral Registry Operators, Government Officials, Financial Institutions and Fintech players, the World Bank Group has developed a compelling and interactive online Learning Course on the topic of Secured Transactions and Collateral Registries reforms. Divided in four modules, this course aims to...
eLearning: Fundamentals of Credit Reporting
Non Financial Services
Credit Risk & Scoring
The Fundamentals of Credit Reporting Course will raise your understanding of the economic relevance, development impact and International Standards of Credit Reporting Systems. Through this course, the participants will also gain in key insights into the legal, institutional, operational and technical aspects of credit information solutions.
Strategises to Increase Access to Markets for Women-Owned SMES in South Africa
Financial Education
Gender Finance
Policy & Regulation
In South Africa, there is a $49 billion unmet financing demand for women entrepreneurs. Corporations and banks can collaborate with women-owned enterprises and provide solutions to bridge the financial gap. In this IFC fact sheet, learn the key challenges faced by women entrepreneurs, how partners are collaborating for progress and ideas for...
Investment Plan for Europe: €20 Million for Innovative SMEs in Luxembourg through EIF and BIL
Supply & Value Chain Finance
Sustainable Finance
European Investment Fund (EIF) and Banque Internationale à Luxembourg (BIL) extend InnovFin SME Guarantee Facility agreement; EUR 20 million available for innovative SMEs and small mid-caps. The latest breakdown of results by country and sector from the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) has been released. The plan has mobilised almost...
Integrating Gender and Women's Financial Inclusion into the Central Bank of Egypt's (CBE) Framework
Non Financial Services
Gender Finance
Supply & Value Chain Finance
Policy & Regulation
Credit Risk & Scoring
Egyptian women who constitute half of the population, represent tremendous economic potential, while contributing to only 22.5 percent of total labor force - offer an estimated credit demand of USD283 million among female-owned SMEs. The Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) has achieved major accomplishments towards building an inclusive financial system...
Guide to the Magna Carta for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Sustainable Finance
Policy & Regulation
Credit Risk & Scoring
This primer provides a quick reference on the “Magna Carta for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)”, a landmark legislation that defines the current national policy to promote, support, strengthen and encourage the growth and development of MSMEs. Enacted by the Philippine Congress in 1991 as Republic Act 6977, and amended by Republic Act...
Join More than 11,000 SME Finance Experts on the SME Finance Forum LinkedIn Group
Non Financial Services
Policy & Regulation
Credit Risk & Scoring
Digital Financial Services
Digital Transformation
The SME Finance Forum LinkedIn provides an opportunity for financial experts to view the latest news, reports, data and discussions regarding the SME finance field. The group is comprised of more than 11,000 bank executives, investors, advisory service providers and financial technology experts, who share knowledge, spur innovation, and promote...