

Qamar Saleem
Head, SME Finance Forum
QAMAR SALEEM is the SME Finance head, the world’s leading center for knowledge exchange, good practice promotion and public-private dialogue in this...
Hourn Thy
Business Lead
Hourn Thy facilitates the delivery of the SME Finance Forum objectives and activities including the implementation of G20 SME finance challenge and...
Sarah Chataing
Knowledge and Partnerships Lead
Sarah Chataing is the knowledge management and partnership lead for the Forum. She oversees the production and dissemination of knowledge and...
Minerva Kotei
Awards and Project Lead
Minerva Kotei leads the Women’s Entrepreneurship Finance work at the SME Finance Forum. She has over 18 years’ experience in emerging markets...
Karla  Espinoza
Operations Coordinator
Karla Espinoza is a results-driven operations leader with extensive experience in strategic initiatives, fostering public-private partnerships, and...
Tianxiao Fang
Analytics Coordinator
Tianxiao Fang (Luke) is the Data and Analytical Lead at the forum. His responsibilities include tracking, providing, and forecasting weekly profit...
Geethanjali Jagannathan
Communications Lead
Geethanjali Jagannathan is an experienced Operations Officer in the Financial Institutions Group at IFC, specializing in knowledge, learning, and...
Pritha Rajouria
Memberships coordinator
Pritha Rajouria is the Membership Coordinator at the SME Finance Forum, where she engages with potential members, helping them understand the forum’s...
Samantha Sangster
Network Administrator
Samantha joined the SME Finance Forum at the end of 2024 where she is responsible for facilitating the annual membership renewal process and...