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Open Workshop: Addressing Gender Data Gaps for SME Finance

21 July 2022
6 : 00
8 : 30
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This Workshop will highlight models to take GPFI recommendations on sex-disaggregated data into action.  It will review the example of the UK’s Investing in Women Code, the experience of governments and financial intermediaries to collect such data and introduce a potential model for action. The workshop will introduce the concept of the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Code (“the WE Finance Code” or “the Code”), which aims to create a systemic shift to get a critical mass of financial institutions around the world that serve MSMEs to report on a sex-disaggregated basis and increase financing to women.


  • Provide GPFI members and others a strategic perspective on the importance and challenges of collecting sex-disaggregated SME Finance data.
  • Review examples where governments and financial intermediaries have worked to collect sex-disaggregated data, including spotlighting the UK Investing in Women Code which has led over 130 UK financial intuitions to start tracking and reporting MSME data on a sex-disaggregated basis, as well as the Women’s Financial Inclusion Data (WFID) Partnership (WFID) gender data pilots in six countries (Bangladesh, Honduras, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Turkey).
  • Introduce the concept of the WE Finance Code and discuss design and potential success factors.
  • Engage with participants to consider opportunities for rolling out a Code through global and national efforts and stakeholder engagement with GPFI, the G20 and others.  

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Financial InclusionSupply & Value Chain Finance
