Industry Event: Speaking Role

Industry Event: Speaking Role

G-20 SME Finance Compact

10 September 2015
8 : 00
17 : 00
( GMT +00:00 )
Antalya, Turkey
G-20 SME Finance Compact

Date: 10 September 2015
Location: Antalya, Turkey

Globally, about half of the world’s population – 2.5 billion people – lacks access to formal financial services. Over 35 percent of small firms in emerging markets report that access to finance is a major obstacle to their operations. The G20 recognizes that increased access to finance for the excluded part of the population is crucial in reducing extreme poverty, boosting prosperity, supporting inclusive and sustainable development and social cohesion. The G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion announced the SME Finance Compact in 2012 to promote innovative SME finance models that spur economic growth and create jobs.

The G20 Turkish Presidency is hosting this event to provide an opportunity for G20 and interested non-G20 countries to share knowledge and discuss their national SME finance strategies.  The workshop will highlight progress made by countries in line with the SME Finance Compact, invite governments to make new commitments in this regard and provide recommendations to the G20 for scaling up country-level efforts.

The event is taking place in Antalya, Turkey on September 10th, ahead of the G-20 GPFI Forum and Plenary



8:30 am  to 9:00 am - Opening and setting the stage - Backgroud and Objectives of the Workshop

  • Cavit Dagdas, G20 Finance Deputy and Undersecretary of Treasury
  • Keynote speaker

9:00 am to 10 am -Role of Development Partners in Accelerating SME Finance

10 am to 11 am - National SME Financial Inclusion Strategies - Early Stage Countries

11 am to 11:30 am - Coffee Break

11:30 am to 12:30 pm - National SME Financial Inclusion Strategies - Advanced Stage Countries

12:30 pm to 13:30 pm - Lunch

13:30 pm to 14:30 pm - Breakout sessions: What can the G20 and interested non-G20 countries do to scale up country-level SME finance efforts?

  • How can we better coordinate efforts for resource mobilization to support countries develop and implement these strategies (joint support platforms, etc.)?
  • How can the G20 promote good practice lessons/principles from existing country experience among G20 countries and between G20 and interested non-G20 countries?
  • What other collective activity might the G20 help catalyze in this area?

14:30 pm to 15:00 pm - Report back on breakout sessions

15:00 pm to 15:30 pm - Coffee

15:30 pm to 16:00 pm - New country commitments to pursue SME financial inclusion

16:30 pm tp 17:00 pm - Wrap up and closing remarks 

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