Other Industry Event
The Future Skills Forum - The Role of Central Banks and Regulators in Up-skilling, Re-skilling and Lifelong Learning in the World of Tomorrow
08 May 2024
15 : 00
18 : 30

This roundtable aims to address the profound impact of technological transformation on industries, job roles, and required skills. It will explore how central banks and regulators can significantly
influence this transition, despite traditionally not being involved in talent development. As new skills become increasingly crucial, these institutions are presented with both the opportunity to lead in
shaping these capabilities and the challenge of adapting to this new role in the evolving industry landscape.
The roundtable discussion will be divided into 3 sessions:
Part 1: Risks and Opportunities of Changing Skills in the Industry
This session will discuss how the evolving industry landscape is driving a shift in skill requirements, examining the potential risks and opportunities this presents from the perspectives of central banks and regulators.
Part 2: The Roles of Central Banks/Regulators in Upskilling and Reskilling
Historically, upskilling and reskilling have not been central to the missions of most central banks, but today, many are taking a proactive stance. This session will delve into participants' views on the evolving role of these institutions in workforce development.
Part 3: Best Practices for Upskilling/Reskilling
Participants will share successful case studies and lessons learned to formulate actionable strategies for central banks and regulators. The discussion will aim to outline effective practices for these bodies to support and enhance workforce skills in response to technological advancements.
More about CFTE: Centre for Finance, Technology and Entrepreneurship
Next-gen technological advancements in Finance are disrupting traditional business roles, but they are also opening new gateways to more advanced opportunities. CFTE strives to help new-age professionals reimagine the role of technology through education, so they are equipped to reinvent finance 2.0.
Next-gen technological advancements in Finance are disrupting traditional business roles, but they are also opening new gateways to more advanced opportunities. CFTE strives to help new-age professionals reimagine the role of technology through education, so they are equipped to reinvent finance 2.0.
CFTE is an SME Finance Forum Affiliate.
More about The Future Skills Forum
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