SME Finance News and Events: Your Monthly Round-up
January 2024 Edition
Submit newsworthy links and let us know how we can improve the SME Market Watch to better meet your needs. SME Finance Forum <smefinanceforum@ifc.org>
SME Finance Headlines - Editor's Pick
- IFC Invests in Oásis Atlântico Hotel Group to Support Tourism, Jobs in Cabo Verde” https://pressroom.ifc.org/All/Pages/PressDetail.aspx?ID=27967 (Dec 28. 2023).
- IFC Welcomes Mindray Medical Equipment to the Africa Medical Equipment Facility” https://pressroom.ifc.org/All/Pages/PressDetail.aspx?ID=27953 (Dec 21, 2023).
- IFC And Proparco Join Forces to Strengthen Food Supplies in Several African Countries” https://pressroom.ifc.org/All/Pages/PressDetail.aspx?ID=27939 (Dec 14, 2023).
- IFC Partners with Al Baraka Bank Egypt to Support Small and Medium Enterprises in Egypt” https://pressroom.ifc.org/All/Pages/PressDetail.aspx?ID=27901 (Dec 4th. 2023).
- Zimbabwe: African Development Bank approves $25 million trade finance line of credit for Central Africa Building Society https://www.afdb.org/en/news-and-events/press-releases/zimbabwe-african-development-bank-approves-25-million-trade-finance-line-credit-central-africa-building-society-67350 (Dec 19th, 2023).
- Lenders need to be smart in their underwriting processes’ for African SMEs. https://www.thebanker.com/Lenders-need-to-be-smart-in-their-underwriting-processes-for-African-SMEs-1702542672 (Dec 14, 2013).
- IFC and the European Union Partner with Credit Agricole to Empower Ukrainian Smaller Businesses” https://pressroom.ifc.org/All/Pages/PressDetail.aspx?ID=27954 (Dec 20, 2023).
- IFC Invests $530 Million to Support Smaller Businesses, Bolster Recovery in Türkiye’s Earthquake-Hit Region” https://pressroom.ifc.org/All/Pages/PressDetail.aspx?ID=27941 (Dec 15, 2023).
- Strong Private Sector Key to Drive Romania’s Economic Growth, Says New IFC-World Bank Report” https://pressroom.ifc.org/All/Pages/PressDetail.aspx?ID=27911 (Dec 7th, 2023).
- IDB and Germany Launch New Facility to Support Climate Action in Public Development Banks in Latin America and the Caribbean https://www.iadb.org/en/news/idb-and-germany-launch-new-facility-support-climate-action-public-development-banks-latin (Dec 18, 2023).
- National Bank of Cambodia Partners with IFC to Boost Green Finance, Support Climate Action” https://pressroom.ifc.org/All/Pages/PressDetail.aspx?ID=27944 (Dec 19th, 2023).
- How Can Regulators Enable Last-Mile Agent Networks? https://www.cgap.org/blog/how-can-regulators-enable-last-mile-agent-networks (December 7th 2023).
- Cash vs. Digital? Unleashing the Power of DFS through Agent https://www.cgap.org/blog/cash-vs-digital-unleashing-power-of-dfs-through-agent-networks-0 (Dec 5th, 2023).
- Revolutionizing SME operations in the region with cutting-edge AI solutions. https://www.zawya.com/en/press-release/companies-news/revolutionizing-sme-operations-in-the-region-with-cutting-edge-ai-solutions-qmod2s5a (Jan 8th 2024).
- Saudi Arabia is the top country in MENA for venture capital investment in 2023. https://www.zawya.com/en/press-release/companies-news/saudi-arabia-is-the-top-country-in-mena-for-venture-capital-investment-in-2023-kzr8pjni (Jan 8th, 2024).
- Dubai SME joins forces with CXDA to enhance SME growth https://www.zawya.com/en/business/technology-and-telecom/dubai-sme-joins-forces-with-cxda-to-enhance-sme-growth-ckeygpq3 (Jan 8th, 2024).
- Does Supply Chain Finance (SCF) alleviate funding constraints of SMEs? Evidence from China https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0275531923002830 (Jan 2024)
- China's economic and industry outlook for 2024" Dec 29 2023. https://www2.deloitte.com/cn/en/pages/about-deloitte/articles/deloitte-research-issue-87.html
- Pioneering UAE agri-trade fintech - Maalexi - raises $3mln in pre-Series A round Jan 8th 2024. https://www.zawya.com/en/press-release/companies-news/pioneering-uae-agri-trade-fintech-maalexi-raises-3mln-in-pre-series-a-round-xchuwnzn
- IADB Approves US$2 Million Grant to Accelerate the Adoption of Climate-Smart Practices by Businesses in the Caribbean https://www.iadb.org/en/news/idb-group-aims-triple-climate-financing-over-next-decade (Dec 19, 2023).
- Measuring SoFi's Meteoric Rise As It Revolutionizes Finance https://www.forbes.com/sites/gurufocus/2024/01/05/measuring-sofis-meteoric-rise-as-it-revolutionizes-finance/?sh=40ebc4b6cbaa (Jan 5th, 2024).
- Colombia enters a new instant payments era https://www.thebanker.com/Colombia-enters-a-new-instant-payments-era-170...(Dec 22, 2023).
- Is FinTech Eating the Bank's Lunch? https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/WP/Issues/2023/11/18/Is-FinTech-Eating-the-Bank-s-Lunch-540817. (Nov 2023).
- Deep Impact: The Emergence Of AI-Driven Processes In Finance https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesfinancecouncil/2024/01/04/deep-impact-the-emergence-of-ai-driven-processes-in-finance/?sh=1de194683100 (Jan 4th, 2024)
- The Significance Of Hybrid Cloud Security For Every SME https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2023/12/19/the-significance-of-hybrid-cloud-security-for-every-sme/?sh=7c03b175565c (Dec 19th, 2023)
- FinTech and SMEs financing: A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666954423000157 (Dec 202)
- Strategic Intelligence Outlook: climate litigation, economic strains and more in store for 2024 https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/12/strategic-intelligence-outlook-climate-economy-forecast-2024/ (Dec 7th, 2023).
- Report: "Global Risks Report 2024" - https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Global_Risks_Report_2023.pdf
Submit newsworthy links and let us know how we can improve the SME Market Watch to better meet your needs. SME Finance Forum <smefinanceforum@ifc.org>
Monday, January 8, 2024