SME Finance Forum CEO Matthew Gamser shares why SMEs are the future of fintech, and why angel investors must pay attention to fintech during his WBAF Annual Congress 2018 keynote speech. SMEs and SME financing have not been center stage in most discussions of fintech. Yet this may be the market segment that can benefit most from the innovations fintech bring to financing. So it should not be surprising that, of late, we’re seeing a slow, but steadily rising profile of SMEs and key SME finance topics in fintech discussions. Fintech offers the potential for massive improvement in both quality and efficiency in financing SMEs, including financing by angel investors. It makes more timely and more appropriate financing available, and more affordable. The keynote will explore why fintech is focusing more on SME, and what vast potential this is revealing.
WBAF 2018 Key Note Speech: Why SMEs are the future of fintech?

Feb 26, 2018