

SME Finance Forum CEO Talks Financial Inclusion for SMEs at the WBAF Ministerial Roundtable

SME Finance Forum CEO Talks Financial Inclusion for SMEs at the WBAF Ministerial Roundtable

SME Finance Forum CEO, Matthew Gamser, recently explained why the G20 cares about financial inclusion (and has since its inception), and why SME access to finance always has been included in its work on inclusion. Gamser offered these insights at a plenary talk at the World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF) Ministerial Roundtable this week. 

"I spoke on how governments can enable better ecosystems, but how this requires more on creating the right environment, and often less on direct intervention, particularly in direct SME financing," Gamser said of his participation in the roundtable.

Panelist included ministers from Macedonia, Kossovo and Ghana, the president of European Business Angels Network (EBAN), Middle East Business Angel Network (MBAN), chairman of the WBAF, Baybars Altuntas and an UNIDO representative. The discussants, prominent global leaders of the world’s investment value chain, explained how they plan to encourage collaboration between public and private institutes that will empower early and post-early stage equity markets in response to the worldwide digital transformation.
Investing globally provides huge opportunities, but before investing, one needs extensive knowledge about the ecosystem. The post-digital revolution world will be informed by decisions made today, and the leaders of global ecosystems are authorized to drive this revolution on behalf of their community. The WBAF hosted this roundtable to discuss in detail the G20’s agenda to increase financial inclusion in the world.