

Triodos to loan 1.5 million to green coffee company Caravela

Triodos to loan 1.5 million to green coffee company Caravela

Caravela, a green coffee firm focused only on responsible sourcing and marketing high-quality Latin American coffees, has received a USD 1.5 million value chain loan from Hivos-Triodos Fund. The financing would allow the company to pay about 600 smallholder coffee producers in Mexico and Peru when their harvest is delivered. 

Throughout the past 20 years, Caravela has gradually expanded its operations to seven Latin American origins and four sales offices. Caravela aspires to create mutually beneficial relationships between smallholder coffee producers, coffee roasters, and coffee consumers, contributing to the long-term sustainability of the coffee industry from farm to cup.  

Caravela's goal for the next several years is to make the entire coffee value chain, including Caravela's customers, carbon neutral. This aspiration emphasizes Caravela's desire to not only make better coffee but to make better coffee. 


Rural & Agriculture FinanceSustainable Finance