

Agricultural Finance Policy Coordination in Africa: Synthesis Report

Agricultural Finance Policy Coordination in Africa: Synthesis Report

This synthesis report presents a set of five country case studies (Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Morocco, and Zambia), commissioned to advance the work of the Making Finance Work for Africa’s (MFW4A) Agricultural Finance Stakeholder Working Group’s (AFSWG) Institutional Development Focus Group.
The overarching objective of this case study work are to assess the extent of policy coordination in each of the five countries selected, to enable stakeholders to take well-informed decisions and actions, to strengthen policy and its coordination through either existing or new agricultural finance policy coordinating bodies, and to provide recommendations the AFSWG for its planned advocacy and implementation phase. The set of case studies underlying this policy brief was commissioned by MFW4A supported by GIZ on behalf of BMZ.

Rural & Agriculture Finance