

Triodos IM-Led Consortium Invests in Serbia to Enhance Sustainable Banking and Development

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We are pleased to share that our member Triodos Investment Management through its Triodos Microfinance Fund and Triodos Fair Share Fund in collaboration with Germany’s GLS Bank and UmweltBank has acquired 78% of Opportunity Bank Serbia (OBS), which is a member of Opportunity International, a network of banks and microfinance organizations. 

Triodos Investment Management led the consortium. The three new investors will each hold significant minority shares in OBS, along with Opportunity International. Each of the four principal shareholders will have a seat on the OBS Supervisory board, which also includes independent directors. OBS specializes in microfinance and provides a range of financial services to underserved people and businesses in Serbia, particularly in rural areas. 

Importantly, all four principal shareholders, including Opportunity, are members of the Global Alliance for Banking on Values (GABV), an independent network of banks that use finance to deliver sustainable economic, social, and environmental development. 

“This is a landmark investment as the first joint investment of GABV members into a member bank. We are happy to have initiated and led this consortium and are confident this will catalyze further capital investments by GABV members. This investment demonstrates our confidence and trust that OBS is well-poised to enhance sustainable banking in Serbia. We are looking forward to contributing our knowledge and expertise to support OBS’ long-term strategic development.” - says Jacco Minnaar, Chair of the Management Board at Triodos IM.  

About Triodos Investment Management  

Triodos Investment Management is a globally active impact investor. They invest to generate social and environmental impact alongside a healthy financial return. They see impact investing as a driving force in the transition to a more inclusive and sustainable world. For more than 30 years, they have offered impact investment solutions that connect investors who want to make money work for positive change with innovative entrepreneurs and sustainable businesses that believe in the same.    


