

New Wine into Old Wineskins: The Problem with the Way Everyone Does Funds By Village Capital

New Wine into Old Wineskins: The Problem with the Way Everyone Does Funds By Village Capital

Over the past several years, we’ve seen a growing focus on how important early-stage innovations are in solving major global problems, and the barriers standing in their way.Each of these pieces make the case that—to really make a difference—organizations that believe that entrepreneurs can solve major global problems should invest at the earliest stages. But this isn’t happening. Anywhere you look, it’s difficult to find risk capital for innovation. Of over 300 self-described “impact investment” firms, fewer than five invest at the catalytic stage—less than $250,000 per investment. According to the Center for Venture Research’s report “Where Have All the Angel Investors Gone?”, capital committed to US companies from angel investors has fallen 25 per cent since 2007.
