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MASTERCARD: Help your SME customers make and receive payments

16 June 2015
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WEBINAR - MASTERCARD: Help your SME customers make and receive payments - June 16

Electronic payments provide the cheapest, safest and quickest way for small businesses to make and receive payments. This webinar will provide you with the tools and insights to help your SME customers save time and improve cash flow by expanding usage of electronic payments for payments and acceptance. Eugene DeSilva will show how payment cards are a powerful technological tool that helps SMEs to compete on equal footing with competitors of all sizes and provide with a predictable cash flow, greater market access, convenience, control and built-in financial tools that pay for themselves.

Join Eugene DeSilva, Global SME Segment Head at Mastercard for a one hour and a half webinar on June 16 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM EST.


Video recording


More about the speaker:

Eugene DeSilva is group head, Global SME Segment within Global Commercial Products. In this role, he leads the global development and commercialization of the MasterCard innovative commercial products and solutions group that serves small business and mid-size organizations. Having joined MasterCard in April of 2007, Mr. DeSilva brings more than 25 years of financial services experience to the group. He has held various general management, marketing, product development, strategy development and technology positions during his career.

Mr. DeSilva spent 12 years working for American Express in a variety of progressively more senior management roles and built a startup transaction processing division to $200MM in annual revenue in three years. After leaving American Express, Mr. DeSilva joined a division of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) as part of their senior management team responsible for building a global internet bank. In a three year period, the division launched four co-branded internet banks and acquired over 1MM customers. Mr. DeSilva was also responsible for building an ancillary startup outsource management division where he grew annual revenue to $75MM in three years. He left CIBC and joined easyInternetcafe LTD, a division of Easy Group, to transform a global internet café company into a global internet café franchisor. In six months, he reorganized the company, significantly reduced losses and sold 50 global franchise licenses.
Mr. DeSilva holds a Master of Business Administration with dual majors in Finance and MIS from Fordham University Graduate School of Business and a Bachelor of Science degree from Fordham University College of Business Administration.


