

Trends in International Funding for Financial Inclusion

Trends in International Funding for Financial Inclusion

In recent years, the development community has sustained support for microfinance but broadened funding to encompass a wider goal of financial inclusion.
International funders have been adapting their priorities to meet this broader vision, as reflected in the 2012 CGAP Funder Survey. This Brief analyzes trends in the international funding landscape for financial inclusion.

The 2012 survey methodology was updated to reflect more systematically the broader vision of financial inclusion. New types of projects were added, including those that support access to finance for small enterprises, which were excluded in previous years as the focus was only on microenterprises, and the allocation of funding to a new purpose category related to the increase of end-clients’ capabilities. A qualitative aspect was also added to further understand the funding purpose of each project. The qualitative framework presents barriers and challenges to financial inclusion and their corresponding solutions (see Methodology section for further details).


Non Financial Services