

The Top 10 FinTech Milestones of 2014

The Top 10 FinTech Milestones of 2014

2014 was the biggest year in FinTech by far with billions being invested globally, which is to be expected in a global growth sector. But how much was invested globally in FinTech this year? It depends on how you classify FinTech. So whether you believe the FinTech investments this year were $6Bn or whether you believe the bigger estimates of upwards of $18Bn, one thing is clear - FinTech is really hot right now. But it's only going to get hotter.10 lists are always tough, but if you think there are better candidates for the Top 10 let me know in the comments! Bring on 2015 - it's sure to be an even bigger year for FinTech...