YouthInvest Financial and Non-Financial Innovations for Youth in Egypt and Morocco
is a fi ve-year, fi ve million dollar initiative in which Mennonite Economic Development
Associates (MEDA) is partnering with leading microfi nance institutions (MFIs) and Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) in collaboration with The MasterCard Foundation, to develop innovative fi nancial products and services tailored to the needs of economically active youth.
The YouthInvest project began in 2008 and has three main objectives:
1) To increase youth access to appropriate fi nancial services, such as loans and savings;
2) To support education and training opportunities for youth to ensure improved long-term prospects and improved use of fi nancial services;
3) To support NGOs and fi nancial service providers – including MFIs and banks – to develop fi nancial and non-fi nancial products appropriate for economically active youth.
This case study focuses on a small but important element of MEDA’s programming – the provision of loans to youth aged 18-30. This presentation is intended to demonstrate the preliminary impacts of these loans on both clients and their families, as well as offer important lessons learned for fi nancial service providers and practitioners.