Industry Event: Speaking Role
Women Entrepreneurs in Ecosystems - International Research Conference

Date: June 8-9, 2015
Location: Wellesley, MA - Babson College
Established in 1999 by Professors Brush, Carter, Gatewood, Greene and Hart - in partnership with ESBRI, Stockholm - the Diana Research Project has led the research agenda in women’s entrepreneurship across continents, cultures and contexts. Through the years, Diana conferences have brought together scholars from 16 countries worldwide, providing a platform to share a global research agenda dedicated to asking and answering questions about women entrepreneurs and their growth-oriented businesses. For the first time, the 8th Diana International Conference will be held in the U.S. at Babson College. This conference will be hosted by Professor Candida Brush, Professor Patricia Greene and Professor Susan Duffy, co-chairs of the event.
We invite papers that broadly fit with the overarching theme of impact, and seek contributions based on rigorous research that explores the impact of women’s entrepreneurship in ecosystems, as well as the influences of ecosystem factors on women entrepreneurs. Papers exploring all levels of ecosystems, the macro, meso or micro levels, as well as ecosystem factors including resources, culture, institutions, policies and regulations, industries and how they influence and are influenced by women entrepreneurs are welcome. Submitted papers may be conceptually or empirically based, and employ quantitative or qualitative methods.
The 2015 Diana International Conference will take place just before the Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (June 10-13, 2015). Submissions of abstracts are welcome beginning September 26, 2014, and will close December 15, 2014.