

This Is Google's Big Plan To Close The Gender Gap In Tech

This Is Google's Big Plan To Close The Gender Gap In Tech

It's no secret that women are often under-represented in the technology industry.

The most recent statistics from the National Center for Women And Information Technology report that women only made up 26% of the computing workforce in 2013.

Google believes part of this has to do with the fact that women aren't getting into computer science at a young age.

According to the American Association of University Women, fewer than 1% of high school girls express interest in computer science.

Google wants to change that by launching its new initiative called Made With Code, which is designed to help girls pick up coding skills in high school. The company is working with several partners for the project, including Chelsea Clinton, Girls Inc., Girl Scouts of the USA, "The Office" star Mindy Kaling, MIT Media Lab, and more.


Gender Finance