

The Impact of Finance on the Development of MSMEs in Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam

The Impact of Finance on the Development of MSMEs in Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam

This discussion of supporting micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) centered on building systems to boost institutions’ confidence in lending to the sector; and the non-financial needs of MSMEs.

Gerald Sun, Vice President, Head of Sales for Commercial Payments Asia/Pacific at MasterCard Worldwide, said “the banks have trouble making a risk assessment cheaply enough. They lend to big organizations based on their income. For SMEs [small and medium enterprises], they revert to looking at assets as they would for consumer lending. The bank can value a house or car, but not a ton of fertilized chicken eggs.” MasterCard is addressing this issue by working with SMEs to help them implement digital invoicing. “Our studies show that 3 percent to 7 percent of the costs of an SME are spent managing paper invoices. Once we digitize, the money moves faster, and it becomes easier for lenders to lend.”

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