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Members Only Webinar - Data Analytics - Part II

15 July 2020
8 : 00
9 : 15
Members Only Webinar - Data Analytics - Part II

By invitation only

Registration open on Member's Portal

The SME Finance Forum is hosting a two-session webinar series on Data Analytics. Increasingly, the use and analysis of data are critical for banks to improve efficiency, reduce risk, increase profitability, and retain customers. In these series, we will look at how banks and financial institutions can use big data and advanced analytics to make smarter decisions in SME banking.
Data Analytics Session #2: Data Trends in Analytics, Risk, and Privacy in a Post-COVID 19 World
The COVID-19 pandemic has created new challenges in SME banking: while the demand for business loans has increased, financial institutions have faced disruptions in normal business operations, making small business lending even more difficult. Lack of credit data has long been one of the major obstacles to individuals and SME financing in developing countries, but financial institutions are now leveraging alternative data including transactional (payments) data, behavioral data, and social media data to determine capacity and willingness to repay loans. But, there are risks in utilizing alternative sources like data inaccuracies, uninformed consumer consent, potential for discrimination, and heightened exposure to cyber risks. How can financial institutions balance the use of responsible data use to enhance access to finance for MSMEs as well as data privacy, consumer protection, and cybersecurity?

In this session, speakers SME Finance Forum member jumo.world, a South African mobile financial services platform, VIDA, a digital identity startup, and from the Infocomm Media Development Authority of Singapore (IMDA), will discuss new trends in data as the speakers reflect on how data is used to help financial institutions continue their business operations digitally and make smarter decision making in SME banking. 

What you will learn

•    Innovations in governance on AI and data.
•    How companies are promoting industry adoption of AI and data analytics.
•    Specific AI and data science capabilities developed.



SME Finance Forum Members Only Webinar – Extra Time!

Want to learn more about an institution or speak directly with a panelist from the webinar? Join our new Members Only Webinar – Extra Time! This is 30-minute breakout session with one of the presenters from the webinar. Microphones will be unmuted and participants can speak more conversationally, and ask direct questions to the presenters. Each session will be chaired by a SME Finance Forum moderator.
After the end of the webinar tomorrow, members can join the lively conversation with:
Speaker: Niki Santo Luhur, VIDA with SME Finance Forum moderator: Lesly Goh
Speaker: Yeong Zee Kin (Zeek), IMDA with SME Finance Forum moderator: Matt Gamser
Members will receive the link on their inboxes.


Session details

•    Matthew Gamser, CEO, SME Finance Forum


Lesly Goh is a Senior Advisor, former World Bank Director, and Chief Technology Officer. She is a Fellow at Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (CCAF) Judge Business School and Senior Fellow at National University of Singapore (NUS) Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. Lesly is a Professor of Practice at ZheJiang International Business School (ZIBS).  She frequently gives lectures on Data Governance, FinTech and Digital Government Transformation. Her expertise is in leveraging Cloud technology to deliver agile solutions at scale for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) at the intersection of technology and policy frameworks.  For almost 30 years, her experience on FinTech, RegTech, GovTech spans across both the private and public sectors.  Lesly’s experience covers a broad spectrum ranging from Capital Markets, Retail Banking, Commercial Banking, Asset Management, Development Banks and Financial Data Providers.  She has worked extensively on the practical application of Disruptive Technology such as Blockchain, AI and IoT. A few strategic initiatives where she applied Disruptive Technology to address Development challenges: Implementation of Bond issuance on Blockchain, which raised 110M AUD on Aug 23, 2018. Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Famine – project was announced at the United Nation General Assembly on Sept 23, 2018. Her personal mission is to empower Women and Girls to achieve the highest potential with Technology as the Equalizer.  Here is her TEDxTalk and her story: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/leaving-microsoft-empower-women-change-world-lesly-goh/. She was featured in the GovInsider Report 2019: Women Leaders in Government https://govinsider.asia/data/lesly-goh-senior-technology-advisor-world-bank-women-in-govtech-special-report-2019/. Her blogs: https://blogs.worldbank.org/team/lesly-goh

About the Speakers

Buhle Goslar is the Africa & Pakistan CEO for jumo.world. Buhle has held senior leadership roles for over 18 years in the financial services, technology, retail, and tourism sectors. She has worked across sub-Saharan Africa, as well as in Asian and European markets. A certified international retail banker, she also holds a BCom Marketing Degree from UNISA and an Executive MBA from the GSB at the University of Cape Town, Buhle has also completed post-graduate management programmes in Inclusive Finance, Digital Finance and Social Impact at Harvard Business School, TUFTS Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy and Oxford Saïd Business School, respectively.

Niki Santo Luhur is the CEO / Founder of VIDA, a digital identity startup; Chairman & Co-founder of the Indonesia Fintech Association; Founder and Former Chairman-CEO of Kartuku, a payments technology company; Former Special Advisor to the Indonesian Minister of ICT for Fintech and Financial Inclusion; Endeavor Entrepreneur; Operating Advisor Monk's Hill Ventures. VIDA is a digital identity network that provides secure and simple ways to prove who you are anywhere, anytime. VIDA empowers individuals and institutions with the ability to effortlessly control their most valuable information – their data and identity – while protecting this private information with the highest standards of security. Indonesia Fintech Association's ("AFTECH") vision is to drive financial inclusion through digital financial services. AFTECH focuses on policy advocacy and has 350+ members. In 2019, AFTECH was appointed by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK, Indonesian Financial Services Authority) as a Self-Regulatory Organization under OJK's Digital Financial Services Innovation Group, responsible for overseeing market conduct and the development of industry standards.

Yeong Zee Kin is Assistant Chief Executive (Data Innovation and Protection Group) of the Infocomm Media Development Authority of Singapore (IMDA) and Deputy Commissioner of the Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC). In his capacity as Assistant Chief Executive (Data Innovation and Protection Group), Zee Kin oversees IMDA’s Artificial Intelligence and Data Industry development strategy. This is one of four frontier technology areas IMDA has identified for its transformational potential for a Digital Economy. The other three are cybersecurity, the Internet of Things, and immersive media. In his role as an AI and data analytics champion, Zee Kin’s work includes developing forward-thinking governance on AI and data, driving a pipeline of AI talent, promoting industry adoption of AI and data analytics, as well as building specific AI and data science capabilities in Singapore. As the Deputy Commissioner of PDPC, Zee Kin oversees the administering and enforcement of the Personal Data Protection Act (2012). His key responsibilities include managing the formulation and implementation of policies relating to the protection of personal data, as well as the issuing of enforcement directions for organizational actions. He also spearheads the public and sector-specific educational and outreach activities, to raise both awareness and compliance in organizations and individuals in personal data protection.

For members, please register on Member's Portal.


A summary of the session will be posted on the blogs section.

For more information, please contact: Jessica Alfaro

Covid-19Digital Financial Services