

Leader Dialogue Series - Interview with H.E. Achille Bassilekin III, Cameroon Minister of SME, Social Economy, and Handicrafts

Leader Dialogue Series - Interview with H.E. Achille Bassilekin III, Cameroon Minister of SME, Social Economy, and Handicrafts

Learn from H.E. Achille Bassilekin III, Minister of SME, Social Economy, and Handicrafts, about SME development in Cameroon. 

“We have been developing some tours to ensure that we facilitate the financial inclusion of small businesses in my country. In that vein the Head of State decided the establishment of an SME bank...which is the financial institution that provides and facilitates access to loan for those who can mature their business plan... as well as a loan guarantee to facilitate the financial inclusion of young entrepreneurs.” 

The SME Finance Forum’s Leader Dialogues is a series of one-on-one interviews with CEOs, senior executives of financial institutions and technology companies as well as financial sector regulators.


Learn more about the Minister of SME, Social Economy, and Handicrafts from Cameroon



Financial Inclusion
