

Go Fintech or go home

Go Fintech or go home

I’m relaxing and thinking.  A bad combination.  Just had several sessions with different conferences on Brexit, Open API’s, PSD2, Open Sourcing, Open Banking, Innovation and more … and it all seems like such drivel.  One of the sessions was asking the question: is it time to drop the curtain on innovation theatre?  Yes, for gawds sake, yes.

I have that frustrated feeling of someone who can see the devil and the deep blue sea, as he’s standing in the middle of the two and screaming LOOOOOOOKKKKKKKK!!!!!

OK, overly dramatic.  What’s the problemo, Chris?

It’s basically this: twenty years ago, we talked about disintermediation and object oriented architectures and the banks all went yes, very good, and did not do much.

Ten years ago, we screamed about the internet age and mobile impact, and the banks all went yes, very good, and did not do much.

Now, we’re all yabbering on about digital and blockchain and the banks all go yes, very good, and aren’t doing much.
