

Do Credit Guarantee Scheme Help De-risk SME Lending?

Do Credit Guarantee Scheme Help De-risk SME Lending?

SMEs are responsible for delivering so many economic benefits, but a lack of access to adequate finance is one of the biggest constraints SMEs face worldwide.  It is estimated that between 50% to 70% of SMEs in emerging markets are either not funded or under funded by the formal financial sector.

To address these issues, the World Bank has focused on establishing a robust set of financial infrastructure: (a) credit information systems to provide more data on borrowers (b) secured transactions registries for movable property to provide a wider range of collateralizable assets (c) insolvency laws which are more efficient and effective in the case of loan default – supplemented by modernized court systems which can expedite the speedy resolution of disputes and (d) electronic payments platforms to speed and digitalize payment flows.


Learn lessons from experts who support SME credit guarantee schemes in Malaysia, Korea and the United States.

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