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Digital Finance Innovation Hub [Solutions Clinic]

18 February 2025
8 : 00
9 : 30
Digital Finance Innovation Hub [Solutions Clinic]




This Innovation Hub is a supportive and innovative community of SME finance professionals dedicated to expanding access to finance for SMEs through digital transformation. The Hub focuses on: 

  • Managing the risk of disruptive technologies (Artificial intelligence and Machine learning) 
  • Making successful partnerships with digital enablers  
  • Navigating digital regulation (open banking) 
  • Improving customer experience and SME digitalization 
  • Deploying alternative data and big data analytics 
  • Promoting embedded finance 

The Digital Finance Innovation Hub will be holding its second Solutions Clinic at 8.00am EST on Tuesday February 18, 2025. 

Our solutions clinics are member-only interactive, roundtable-style events, in which we crowd in expertise from across the SMEFF membership to answer questions from members of the innovation hub. 

During that session, we will focus on Navigating the digital transformation for scaling SME Finance

  • What are the main pillars while executing digital transformation and how does SME banking get impacted by the choices you make during the journey?
  • Is digital transformation a magic bullet or are there other institutional cultural elements at play?
  • How does digital transformation unable meaningful data which can help scale SME financial services?
  • What are the roles of AI and new digital tools and how to use them effectively?


The digital finance innovation hub gathers a group of 260 SME Finance experts, from 120 different institutions - among our members and affiliates with the contribution of IFC experts - to discuss how FIs and MSMEs are transforming rapidly through generative AI, data analytics and the power of the ever-growing SME Finance ecosystem.

The Innovation hub is designed to address specific and evolving problems identified by its members. The hub leverages knowledge, expertise, and networks to solve those problems through: 

  • Solutions Clinic 
  • Hackathons and Tech-Sprints 
  • On-going virtual discussion groups (Private LinkedIn discussion group) and annual in-person roundtable 
  • Research and survey 
  • Running pilots 
  • 1–2-day study tour to a digital finance or embedded finance platform with a proven business model 

The expected outcome is to source industry solutions and define global best practice standards and tools. Best practices will be gathered and ultimately turned into a report that shares the challenges and solutions that have emerged throughout the year. 
All of which will be finalized and ready to present at the Global SME Finance Forum meeting in South Africa in September 2025. 


This is a member and affiliate only event. If you have not received an invitation to join, register through the member portal.


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