Industry Event: Speaking Role

Industry Event: Speaking Role

BUM SME Banking Club Conference 2019

20 - 21 September 2019
21 : 30
21 : 30
( GMT +00:00 )
Kiev, Ukraine
BUM SME Banking Club Conference 2019

Last year, banks showed a significant increase in net profit! This year, leading bank managers and SME experts will meet at the VIII Annual Conference of the SME Banking Club Conference 2019 for Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova (BUM19) to discuss sales potential and cost effectiveness.

How can banks cooperate with fintech startups? Cooperation patterns

Digital banking
Offline vs. online in SMEs. Bank for business - 100% online. Is it possible

Creating a vertical SME in a transforming bank

Belagroprombank experience in the development of the agricultural sector. Small business development in the village: financing through credit unions

SME Lending Development: Moldova's Experience

Financial leasing for small and medium businesses

SME Finance Forum members are entitled to receive a discount on registration. Please, contact us for more information.

Rural & Agriculture FinanceSupply & Value Chain FinanceCredit Risk & ScoringDigital Financial Services
