

Bridging the “Pioneer Gap”: The Role of Accelerators in Launching High-Impact Enterprises

Bridging the “Pioneer Gap”: The Role of Accelerators in Launching High-Impact Enterprises

Over the past sev­eral years, research­ers and prac­ti­tion­ers have increas­ingly high­lighted a con­sist­ent gap in cap­ital and sup­port between social enter­prises and impact investors, a gap which incub­at­ors and accel­er­at­ors can play a crit­ical role in bridging.
These organ­iz­a­tions sup­port early-stage social enter­prises by provid­ing them with a range of ser­vices, such as busi­ness devel­op­ment sup­port, ment­or­ing, infra­struc­ture, as well as access to net­works of investors, found­a­tions, and cor­por­a­tions. This report by Aspen and Vil­lage Cap­ital rep­res­ents the first quant­it­at­ive assess­ment of the impact accel­er­ator landscape.

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