

Beyond Branches - an innovative new agent development business

Very interested to learn of this relatively young firm, not tied to any electronic payments provider but focused on building up the best agent networks possible by - unusually - focusing on the agents and making the business worth their while.  As the founders note, "It is well understood that agents are the most important part of any mobile financial services deployment. Efficient and well-managed Agents help create a very positive experience of all mobile financial services. BeyondBranches works with Agent Network Operators to help standardize processes and deploy the BeyondBranches Duka Platform into the market and in some instances build its own "tier 1" agent network."  well understood, perhaps --- but don't see many doing enough about it!  nice to see someone focused on the agents as businesses themselves - SMEs, for 99.99 percent of them - and developing products and programs to make all this make sense for the agents...moreover, among the services Beyond Branches is helping deliver are a suite of small business services to help the agents run their businesses better.  for more, see the link.  would like to hear from our Nigerian members who have run across this service...matt

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