

Majority of SMEs in the US and Europe Ready to Switch Banks for Offer of Real-Time Payments, says ACI Worldwide

Majority of SMEs in the US and Europe Ready to Switch Banks for Offer of Real-Time Payments, says ACI Worldwide

The majority of small and medium-sized (SMEs) business owners in the US and Europe would consider switching account providers for the offer of real-time payments, according to an online poll by YouGov conducted on behalf of ACI Worldwide.* Two-thirds (65%) of US SME businesses stated that if banks offered real-time payments capabilities, it would ‘encourage’ them to switch providers.  90 percent of respondents in Italy, 75 percent in France and 58 percent in Germany also said the offer of faster electronic payments would be a reason for them to switch banks.

The research reveals the extent to which SMEs in the US and Europe are willing to embrace new payment methods and innovative banking services. It also shows that businesses increasingly recognize the value of fast, efficient and predictable payments to the overall success of their business.
