This is the seventh annual report on China's MSME finance development, produced by a team led by Shi Jianping and Yang Rubing of the Central University of Finance and Economics.
The Web link here is only for an English Summary. The original Chinese version has an impressive volume of some 450 pages.
The report provides a comprehensive review on the development of the so-called Micro and Small Finance (MSF) market in China, meaning credit services to Small and Micro Enterprises (MSEs), unincorporated but registered urban businesses and MSE owners. As the Chinese Medium Enterprises are relatively large, this definition corresponds more or less to the international understanding of MSME finance. A major trend has been the significant heating up of the Chinese market due to a number of factors, e.g., lowering of the entry barriers, deeper down-scaling by large banks, emergence of on-line lending and data-driven lending, development of credit reporting services, etc. The report also revealed that in 2014, banking institutions (commercial banks plus CBRC-regulated non-bank lenders only) granted credit to 11.45 million MSF clients, which is 20.44% of the total number of MSEs in the country.
China MSME Finance Report 2015
Jan 13, 2016