

The Gender-GEDI Index Executive Report

The Gender-GEDI Index Executive Report

A 17-country pilot analysis of the conditions that foster high-potential female entrepreneurship.
The gender Index framework pairs together individual-level and institutional-level variables into pillars. These contain three main sub-indices that measure the quality of: 1). the entrepreneurial environment; 2). the entrepreneurial eco-system; and 3). women’s entrepreneurial aspirations. GEDI’s proprietary methodology captures the dynamic, inter-related nature of the pillars.

Data is sourced from internationally recognized datasets including the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, the International Labor Organization, the World Economic Forum, the World Bank, UNESCO, and United Nations Development Program. Data collected for individual-level variables are disaggregated by gender. For institutional variables, data points highlight issues relevant to the development and growth of female entrepreneurship. The initial women’s Index will analyze 17 countries: Australia, Brazil, China, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Japan, Malaysia, Morocco, Russia, South Africa, Turkey, Uganda, United Kingdom and the United States.

Gender Finance