Industry Event: Speaking Role
WSBI Webinar on Digital Lending
22 February 2021
10 : 00
11 : 30

Join our partner WSBI for the first webinar series on digital lending. This online event, co-hosted by the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI), will focus on alternative data and the industry practices surrounding alternative credit scoring. Dr Kam Hong Shum, Director of Applied Cryptosystems, Cybersecurity, Cryptography & Trusted Technology Division at ASTRI will present a white paper titled 'Alternative Credit Scoring of Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs)'. The paper provides a blueprint for banks to embrace the latest FinTech approach - alternative credit scoring - to solve the pain points of small business lending, i.e. the difficulties facing MSMEs to get bank loans, and the current ineffective approach banks take to assess MSMEs when approving/rejecting loan applications.
This webinar will be in English. Registration is required via the link below.
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