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Supply Chain Finance Innovation Hub - [Solutions Clinic]

20 November 2024
8 : 00
9 : 30
Supply Chain Finance Innovation Hub - [Solutions Clinic]

 The Supply Chain Finance Innovation Hub develops a supportive and innovative community of SME finance professionals dedicated to expanding access to financing for SMEs through Supply Chain Financing solutions. The Community focuses on

(i) supporting members in problem solving and achieving scale in SCF solutions through sharing of industry best practices,

(ii) Synergizing expertise within the SCF Innovation Hub community while integrating industry level expertise,

(iii) Supporting forward looking innovation, pilots, and content development.


The SME Supply Chain Finance Innovation Hub will be holding its second Solutions Clinic at 8.00am EST on Wednesday November 20.

Our solutions clinics are member-only interactive, roundtable-style events, in which we crowd-in expertise from across the SMEFF membership to answer questions from members of the innovation hub.

The clinic will cover the following topics:

Reflect on learnings from the Solutions Clinic held in Sao Paulo on Sept 16 which focused on these 3 problem statements:

a) How can fintech partnerships with banks be made simpler and easier to integrate? 
b) If there was one regulatory barrier to resolve, which one to focus on
c) How can data be leveraged better to go beyond traditional SCF products?

The clinic will also focus on hearing feedback from members, experts, and affiliates on overall priorities of the SCF Innovation Hub and refine the program


This is a member and affiliate only event. If you have not received an invitation to join, register through the member portal.





Supply & Value Chain Finance