IntelleGrow, a leading venture debt financing arm of Intellecap Group, launches India’s first SME Debt Pool Program in collaboration with Geneva-based leading global investment company Symbiotics to bring international financing to small corporates and medium enterprises (SME) in the country through innovative financing structure. This collaboration is aimed at supporting social enterprises in India which find it difficult to raise sufficient debt facilities to meet their funding needs. Under this arrangement, the first structured finance transaction has been closed with financing of a pool of seven SMEs amounting to approximately INR 320 million (USD 5.3 million). This launch is a part of IntelleGrow’s thrust in fostering innovative financing to SMEs in collaboration with international partners like Symbiotics. It also adds to Symbiotics’ growing expertise in the area of emerging market impact bonds.
IntelleGrow Launches India’s First SME Debt Pool Program in Collaboration with Symbiotics, Geneva

Oct 04, 2016