

CESEE Bank Lending Survey – H1 2017

CESEE Bank Lending Survey – H1 2017

Demand for credit increased in central, eastern and south-eastern Europe (CESEE) in the six months to September 2017 and supply conditions eased, according to the latest Bank Lending Survey (BLS) produced by the Vienna Initiative.

Across the client spectrum, supply conditions eased partially in the corporate segment, including SME lending, while credit standards have
tightened on mortgages and consumer credit. Credit demand from enterprises (primarily SMEs) and from households is expected to be robust (see Annex A.2).

The increase in demand for loans in Albania has been driven by loans to the SMEs and consumer credit in the last six months. Loan demand by SMEs is expected to dominate also over the next six months. While still below CESEE region as a whole, household demand for house purchase loans and consumer credit is expected to strengthen over the next six months. Debt restructuring remains the underlying factor of loan demand as the deleveraging process goes on. The quality of loan applications has been increasing across all loan segments.

View results from the other countries by clicking the link below.

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