In 2012 TBC Bank, one of the stronger commercial banks in Georgia, recognized that the SME sector – one of the most dynamic and fast growing components of the country’s economy – was important for its long-term success. But SMEs in Georgia had numerous shortcomings where many lacked substantial managerial and technical specific skills and were not as innovative as SMEs in neighboring countries. To strengthen SMEs, and thereby its own competitiveness, TBC Bank introduced two innovative packages: a) digital technical support; and b) set of nonfinancial services (NFS). TBC partnered with IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, which had significant global experience in developing these services in local markets, to develop nonfinancial services for its SME clients. TBC Bank’s focus on small and medium-sized businesses, through its NFS approach, has been a considerable success. Since the launch of the Business Support Program in 2013, the Program has helped position it in the market as the partner of choice for that customer segment.
Case Study - TBC Bank’s Non-Financial Services Strengthen Georgian SME Clients

Feb 06, 2018