

ACREMAC Joins 160+ Other Financial Institutions to Promote SME Finance 

ACREMAC Joins 160+ Other Financial Institutions to Promote SME Finance 

Washington, D.C., December 12th, 2019ACREMAC became the newest member of the SME Finance Forum, a global membership network that brings together financial institutions, technology companies, and development finance institutions to share knowledge, spur innovation, and promote the growth of SMEs. 

“40 percent of small and medium businesses worldwide struggle to get access to the credit and capital that they need to grow their enterprises. We are thrilled to welcome ACREMAC to our network of more than 160 members who are working to eliminate the finance gap for SMEs,” said Matthew Gamser, CEO of the Forum. 

ACREMAC was launched in 2016 with the goal of providing a wide array of value added financial services to its clients in various areas such as risk management, credit risk strategic management, and training, amongst others.

“We strive to bring the best quality of service to our customers, and being members of the SME Finance Forum will help us do so. We are excited to seek the advice of other industry experts to help us expand and improve our own activities, stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the sector, and grow our network of global partners,” said Issa Perou, CEO of ACREMAC

To see all SME Finance Forum members, please visit:

About SME Finance Forum
The SME Finance Forum was established by the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) .As an implementing partner for the GPFI, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) was tasked with managing the initiative. 


Established in 2016, ACREMAC was the vision of experienced and respected professionals aiming to provide a range of value added financial services to its clients in Sub-Saharan Africa, in areas such as risk management, credit risk strategic management, and training. The company, in collaboration with international partners, offers directly several innovative and unique products to its customers, including credit reports and specialized product development (such as credit risk scoring models, financial models, credit insurance, trade finance, factoring, and structured financing). 

Media Contact
Carina Carrasco