Industry Event: Speaking Role
4th International Factoring and Supply Chain Finance Conference

The 4th International Factoring and Supply Chain Finance Conference (IFSCF), held concurrently with the 7th China Commercial Factoring Financing Cooperation Conference (CFFC), is the annual meeting of the commercial factoring industry in China, with participation from government, industry associations, leading Chinese and global financial institutions, supply chain finance experts, fintechs, law firms, universities and many others.
BCR and Shenzhen Factors Association (SZFA) invite you to participate in this annual conference that will address current issues and also celebrate worldwide developments in supply chain finance and receivables finance. Online attendance is free. English simultaneous interpretation throughout the conference.
Dr. Matthew Gamser discusses the state of SME finance in the current turbulent times in the upcoming 4th annual International Factoring and Supply Chain Finance Conference, 9-11 January 2023, Shenzhen, China, co-organised by Shenzhen Factors Association, CFEC and BCR Publishing.
For details, please visit: