

Euler Hermes Digital Agency Joins 160 Other Financial Institutions to Promote SME Finance 

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Washington, D.C., October 21st, 2019 – Euler Hermes Digital Agency became the newest member of the SME Finance Forum, a global membership network that brings together financial institutions, technology companies, and development finance institutions to share knowledge, spur innovation, and promote the growth of SMEs. 

“200 million businesses worldwide need financing to invest, grow and create new jobs. We are proud to have Euler Hermes Digital Agency join our network of more than 150 members who work to expand access to finance for small and medium businesses,” said Matthew Gamser, CEO of the Forum. 

Euler Hermes is a global leader in credit insurance. Euler Hermes Digital Agency works with SMEs, freelancers, and business-to-business marketplaces to protect their clients from credit risk in the digital age. In this way, the firm helps to promote trade between businesses internationally. 

“At Euler Hermes Digital Agency, we help and guarantee trade between companies, aiding their growth. Euler Hermes Digital Agency is excited to become a new member of the SME Finance Forum to expand our global network and continue our work to help innovate in the world of credit insurance and trade finance,” said Jean de Chambure, Head of Business Development. 

To see all SME Finance Forum members, please visit:

About SME Finance Forum
The SME Finance Forum was established by the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) in 2012 as a knowledge center for data, research and best practice in promoting SME finance. As an implementing partner for the GPFI, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) was tasked with managing the initiative. In 2015, the SME Finance Forum partnered with CapitalPlus Exchange to expand and upgrade the former Small Business Banking Network.

About Euler Hermes Digital Agency

Euler Hermes is a leading credit insurance company with a worldwide presence, owned by Allianz. Euler Hermes Digital Agency seeks to modernize and transform trade finance, especially for SMEs, by leveraging new technologies and partnerships with digital agencies around the world. The firm’s four teams work together to reinvent trade finance by creating new digital products such as on-demand credit insurance and B-to-B social networks. 

Media Contact
Carina Carrasco