Anna Zelentsova is Head of the project consultancy group assigned by Russia’s Ministry of Finance to implement the National Financial Literacy and Financial Education Project being run in partnership with the World Bank. Dr. Zelentsova is also a Member of the OECD-INFE Advisory Council, and since 2012, has represented Russia as Co-Chair of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion. She was previously Head of the Russian branch of the Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF) and co-chaired the Coordination Committee on Financial Literacy, a platform organized with the support of the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Parliament to advocate public policy, share best practices and coordinate activities on financial literacy among key stakeholders.
Dr. Zelentsova has about 20 years’ experience managing and participating in international and national projects and holds a number of awards from Russian and international organizations. She has written or co-authored over 30 publications, including the recent Overview on the International Experience and Russian Practice in Financial Literacy (2012).
Dr. Zelentsova has an honours degree in Social Studies and a PhD in Education. She also completed a course in Public Policy and Economics at the Moscow School of Political Studies and participated in the Global Leadership Program at Stanford University. She has been accredited by the UK’s Overseas Development Institute, as well as by the IBLF, as a broker of multi-sector partnerships for sustainable development.