IFC Enterprise Finance Gap Database
IFC Enterprise Finance Gap primarily uses data from World Bank Enterprise Surveys to estimate the number of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the world, and the degree of access to credit and use of deposit accounts for formal and informal MSMEs. The database currently covers 177 countries.
IFC Financing to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises - Reach Data
The IFC Reach Data is based on portfolio reporting from 2004 to the present, drawing from IFC’s 268 client financial institutions from 84 countries, and detailing the number and quality of loans made to MSMEs.
MSME Economic Indicators
The MSME Economic Indicators Database 2019 records the number of formally registered micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) across 176 economies. The 2019 update includes the latest economy MSME definitions, number of enterprises, employment figures, and historical data. In addition, the 2019 update kick-starts the collection of information regarding MSME contribution to the economies and includes information on multiple MSME definitions and data sources within an economy. Data are also disaggregated by firm size.
Women – SME Finance Categorized Indicators (WSCI)
The WSCI identify and categorize Women Business and the Law 2018 indicators of relevance to SME finance. It is a first step to systematically aggregate and collate gender data to understand the factors, monitor trends and progress.
The Women Business and the Law dataset is the most comprehensive Gender Data set covering 189 economies. Systematic trend analysis can facilitate measurement of progress and gaps over time with the ease of updates.