Industry Event: Speaking Role

Industry Event: Speaking Role

Credit Risk & Problem Loan Management Workshop

16 - 17 February 2016
9 : 00
18 : 00
( GMT +00:00 )
Nairobi, Kenya
Credit Risk & Problem Loan Management Workshop

Credit Risk Management is essential for financial institutions to profitably lend to small and medium entrepreneurs. Join CapitalPlus Exchange for a 1.5 day peer learning forum on Tuesday, 16 February and Wednesday, 17 February, 2016 to share best practice and technology-driven solutions to manage credit risk throughout the lending cycle, from client onboarding through monitoring and problem loan management. The Forum will begin with a Welcome Reception on Monday, 15 February at 19:00.

This event will bring together practitioners and experts from East Africa and beyond. CapPlus partner CRISIL, presenting at the forum, is a leading provider of credit risk expertise to international financial institutions and will share innovative internal rating systems and automated solutions to reduce credit risk.