Conference proceedings

Conference proceedings

Media Coverage

The media presence during the Global SME Finance Forum 2023 was notably substantial, with a total of 61 media representatives in attendance, spanning various media outlets such as print, television and online.

The pre-event press release, "SME Finance Forum Gears up for Global SME Finance Forum 2023 in Mumbai, India, between September 12-14, 2023," generated extensive coverage, with over 140 stories in various publications. 

During the conference, 12 TV and 25 other media interactions happened with key spokespersons and dignitaries, demonstrating the extensive impact and reach of the event.

Below are the full media coverage reports. One report focuses on pre-event coverage, while the other one encompasses both post-event press releases & MoU signing (highlighted in the report) and media interactions that took place during the event.

Most relevant articles

IFC hails G20 declaration's empahis on digital public infrastructure, says key for SME expansion - Economic Times



Coverage Dossier
Coverage Dossier
Pre-event Coverage
Pre-event Coverage