Mr. Khalil Nasr is a Financial & Banking Advisory Professional who has an extensive banking experience in the Middle East Region spanning over 40 years. He is also a Certified Independent Director and Holds Masters Degree in Finance.
Mr. Nasr is currently Chairman of Societe Generale Bank (Cyprus), Ambassador- MENA Region for the SME Finance Forum, Vice Chairman of “Palestine Investment Bank” in Palestine and Board member of “Societe Generale De Banque (Jordan)”, also Director in several listed public shareholding companies.
During his career, Mr. Nasr held leadership positions as Chief Executive Officer & General Manager of several banks in Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Cyprus & UK, namely Investbank, Jordan Ahli Bank, Bank of Jordan, Second Vice president of The Chase Manhattan Bank in Jordan & Director of Jordan International Bank in London.
He was also Chairman of the “Securities Depository Centre” in Jordan, President of the “Cyprus International Businesses Association (CIBA)” in Cyprus and Board Member of the “Association of Banks in Jordan”.