

GroFin Launches Fund to Support Growth of Small and Growing Businesses in Africa

GroFin Launches Fund to Support Growth of Small and Growing Businesses in Africa

Wednesday 23 September 2015 will mark the official launch of the GroFin Small and Growing Businesses (SGB) Fund in Africa that aims to catalyse sustainable job creation through supporting small and growing businesses in Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda, Zambia, Kenya, South Africa, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Egypt.

The Fund was co-created by GroFin, a pioneering SME development finance organisation and Shell Foundation, an independent charity, based on their 11 year track record of providing vital support to under-served SGBs in Africa and the Middle East, together with the German development bank KfW, a seasoned founder of structured funds. Active partners of the Fund include the Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries, Norfund, and the Dutch government through the Dutch Good Growth Fund (DGGF). Over the next two years, with grant funding from the German government through KfW, GroFin plans to expand the Fund's support to SGBs to three more African countries.

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