

FAMOS check (internal gender check for financial and non financial service providers)

FAMOS check (internal gender check for financial and non financial service providers)

The International Labour Organization has a dedicated programme on Promoting Women's Entrepreneurship Development. This programme offers an extensive WED toolkit, which includes the FAMOS check.

FAMOS aims to facilitate business support agencies, financial institutions and government departments to have a fresh look – and a systematic assessment – of the extent to which they target and serve women entrepreneurs, their needs and their potentialities.  Its result is a set of actionable recommendations for improving service provision.  For example, it is being used by the Central Bank of Zambia (BoZ) to enable commercial banks to increase their services to women (and women entrepreneurs in particular) and is mentioned in their strategy.

FAMOS check is implemented with the support of an accredited FAMOS facilitator, trained and accredited by the ILO. 

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