H.E. Chea Ratha

Under Secretary of States

Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology, and Innovation

On behalf of The Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology, and Innovation of the Kingdom of Cambodia, I take this wonderful opportunity to express my congratulation on a successful annual flagship meeting of the Global SME Finance Forum in Cambodia. It is an impressive achievement to have around 60 countries and 180+ institutions come to Cambodia during the Covid19 recovery period. MISTI avails itself and gratitude for this opportunity and future opportunities to share locally and internationally what MISTI has accomplished to assist and support the socio-economic development in Cambodia through technology policy and roadmaps.

Abdulwahab Mohammed Abdu Ahmed

Senior Projects Officer

SFD - Yemen

It was great and fruitful experience for Social Fund for Development SFD-Yemen to participate in the 9th Global SME Finance Forum. We have connected with many SME finance experts and practitioners, shared and learnt from each other’s experience in SME financing. Moreover, we successfully have explored partnership opportunities with senior executives from Financial Institutions, Fintech, and Development Finance Institutions, as well as, learnt about latest development and innovation in the financial industry in Cambodia by joining study visits to some of the most successful institutions.

Chaochek Toch


Cambodia Post Bank

CPBank team so appreciated and impressive to patriciate such global event at their hometown and also thanks SME forum team allows us to host multination visitors to share and show and learn from each other. In conclusion we are happy to be member of SME forum and look for more opportunities working together.

Edoardo Borsari

Edoardo Borsari



Meeting international experts at the SME Finance Forum offers the opportunity to learn about the latest trends, best practices, and most advanced technologies and solutions supporting sustainable and inclusive SME financing across all ecosystems.

Frederic Remongin

Frédéric Rémongin

Senior Investment Officer


We were able to learn from other participants, i.e. market practitioners, experts, leaders, share knowledge, experiences and best practices, understand new issues, get insights on different SME finance markets, link with new potential partners, meet our existing banking clients and communicate with potential clients. Participating to this SME Finance Forum and networking through this learning/linking/leading platform was of great value!

Dr. In Channy

President & Group Managing Director

ACLEDA Bank Plc.

The Forum has concluded successfully with diversity of business delegates from many industries and countries attended. Furthermore, it disseminates encouraged information and learning experiences for financial industry in Cambodia, and it even encouraged them to do more on SME finance.

MBL Khan

M.B.L. Khan


Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI)

I place my sincere gratitude to the SME Finance Forum team for the spectacular minute to minute arrangements and grand execution of the event.
The event was very fruitful and has given deeper insight to various aspects and also the future prospects of SME financing.
Hope the networking brings benefit not only to the institutions but SME as a whole globally.

Naveen Subramaniam

Managing Director & Head of Structured and Trade Export Finance APAC

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank

It was great to catch up with the delegates from various countries and professional backgrounds and led to a good exchange of ideas and views. I personally enjoyed the engaging exchanges and deliberations we had within the panel and also learnt a lot from the diverse experiences of the other panelists.

Why you should have attended

Digitalization transforms businesses, reduces costs, automates processes, and brings down the reliance on manpower. In the financial industry sector, it helps reduce the high risk traditionally associated with financing small businesses, through technologies such as real-time data collection and machine learning.

In partnership with the National Bank of Cambodia, the SME Finance Forum is hosting the 9th Global SME Finance Forum. This year’s event will focus on the power of digital transformation in promoting inclusive, sustainable, and responsible finance for MSMEs, the backbone of the world’s economies.

Taking place on September 19-21 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, the three-day conference will explore how digitalization can promote and accelerate green finance, enhance supply-chain efficiencies, improve data security, automate processes, while also lead to a greater financial inclusion.

 Join us on site to connect with an international network of SME finance experts and practitioners to share and learn from each other’s experience in SME financing in the aftermath of the Covid-19 crisis.

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September 19

Registration Open

  • In-Person Activity
September 19

Study Tours

Lobby to get on buses

Acleda Bank, Cambodia Post Bank, Credit Bureau Cambodia, Hattha Bank, and WING Bank

Hosts will be holding signs with names for the study tours, find your host and gather as a group.

8:50 – buses depart for Hattha Bank and WING Bank

9:00 – buses depart for Acleda Bank, Cambodia Post Bank, and Credit Bureau Cambodia

  • In-Person Activity
September 19

Networking Lounge

Meeting Suite 7, 2nd Level

Request meetings with people you want to connect with while at the Forum! This is a dedicated space where connections can be made!

  • In-Person Activity
September 19


2nd Level Pre-Function Area

Buffet lunch will be served at the 2nd Level Pre-Function Area

  • In-Person Activity
September 19

SME Finance Forum Member’s Meeting

Regency Ballroom

The 2022 SME Finance Forum Members meeting will be held in the Regency Ballroom of the Hyatt Regency Phnom Penh on September 19, from 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM. This is a session where members will contribute their thoughts and experiences on SME Finance Forum’s activities in 2022, and how the Forum can do even better at serving them next year.

The most engaged members will be recognized as will the members who joined in 2022. You will also meet new members of the expanded Governing Council. You will learn about the status of our global network through a review of the results from our 2022 member survey. Members will share their stories about the positive impact that the SME Finance Forum membership had on their SME finance portfolios. We will hear from leaders of the three Communities of Practice: Risk Management, Women’s Entrepreneurship Finance, and AgriFinance. And most importantly, you will get to reflect on the Forum’s 2022 program of services and provide input on and shape our 2023 offerings.

  • By invitation only
September 19

Transportation to Welcome Reception


Buses from Hyatt Hotel to Sosoro Museum

Buses will circulate between the hotel and museum with the last bus leaving the Hyatt at 17:30

  • In-Person Activity
September 19

Opening Cocktail Reception and Cultural Presentation

Sosoro Museum

Visit to Sosoro Museum and Reception by National Bank of Cambodia

Join the welcome reception at the Sosoro Museum , including a private tour of the museum provided exclusively to attendees of the Global SME Finance Forum 2022 and hosted by the National Bank of Cambodia.

Raymond Sia – CEO of Canadia Bank and Chairman of Association of Bank of Cambodia

H.E. Dr. Chea Serey Assistant Governor, National Bank of Cambodia

  • In-Person Activity
September 19

Transportation to Hyatt Hotel

Buses from Sosoro Museum to Hyatt Hotel

Buses will circulate between the museum and hotel with the last bus leaving the Museum at 20:00

  • In-Person Activity
September 20

Registration Open

  • In-Person Activity
September 20

Welcome Remarks

Regency Ballroom

Welcome and Logistics

Georja Calvin-Smith Event Emcee

Matt Gamser – CEO, SME Finance Forum

  • Event Opening
September 20

Opening Remarks

Regency Ballroom

Opening Remarks

H.E. Chea Chanto – Governor, National Bank of Cambodia

Tomasz Telma – Director, Financial Institutions Group, IFC

  • Event Opening
September 20

Opening Keynote: Building an inclusive and resilient digital revolution

Regency Ballroom

The world’s SMEs face economic turmoil in the wake of the pandemic, from skyrocketing prices to tangled supply chains. At the same time, an accelerated digital revolution is transforming inclusive finance for SMEs—equipping entrepreneurs with more powerful tools to reach customers, boost income, and build resilience. But innovation creates new challenges. Michael Schlein, President and CEO of Accion, will discuss the risks and rewards of accelerating digitization, and how we can work together to empower vulnerable SMEs to unlock new opportunities and build resilience to some of the most pressing problems facing our world.

Michael Schlein – President and CEO, Accion

  • Keynote
September 20

Plenary Panel: Supply Chain Finance – Transformation, Digitalization and New Trends

Regency Ballroom

Exploring the ecosystem of supply chain finance, panelists will discuss the challenges and opportunities that digitalization presents for scaling up supply chain finance including engagement with different stakeholders, the balance between human interaction and using technology all while addressing environmental, social and governance issues.

Qamar Saleem (Moderator) – Regional Manager Advisory Services, Financial Institutions Group for Asia and Pacific, and the Global Lead for SME and Supply Chain Finance Practice, IFC

Gwen Mwaba – Global Head of Trade Finance, Afreximbank

Naveen Subramaniam – Managing Director, Head of Structured & Trade Export Finance APAC, Intesa Sanpaolo

Philip Herrey – VP, Enterprise Partnerships, Mastercard

Ravi Valecha – CEO, India Factoring

  • Plenary
September 20


Market Cafe
  • In-Person Activity
September 20

Plenary Panel: Agricultural Digitalization

Regency Ballroom

How can digital solutions help to reduce the traditionally high risks of agri-finance? How can digital technologies help lenders to better reach remote rural areas? A discussion of the state of digitization in the agri sector.

Hans Dellien (moderator) – Agrifinance Specialist, IFC

Manfred Borer – CEO, Koltiva

Rama Notowidigdo Co-Founder, Sayurbox

In Channy – President and CEO, ACLEDA Bank

Fifi Rashando – Impact Investment Manager, Good Return

  • Plenary
September 20

Plenary Panel: Banking on SMEs: Driving Growth, Creating Jobs

Regency Ballroom

SMEs face significantly more constraints than larger firms in accessing finance, particularly in emerging markets. This session will explore how increasing access to finance for SMEs contributes to creating jobs, especially for underserved segments, including women-owned SMEs, VSEs, or climate-smart SMEs. We will hear the perspectives of financial institutions and IFC, and share the insights and lessons learnt from a recent report on financing SMEs.

Hourn Thy (moderator) – Head of Operations, SME Finance Forum

Hanh Nam Nguyen Program Manager, IFC

Syed Abdul Momen Deputy Managing Director & Head of SME, BRAC Bank

  • Plenary
September 20

Lunch + Informal Networking

2nd Level Pre-Function Area
  • In-Person Activity
September 20

Debate: Will Robots Replace Bankers?

Regency Ballroom

Will machines replace bankers? Will digitalization result in more FIs competing for SME business, or fewer? Join us for a lively session where these questions and other aspects of the digitalization agenda will be debated, providing attendees with insight into the pros and cons that can inform their work within their own financial institutions.

Georja Calvin-Smith (moderator) Emcee

Arnaud Ventura – Managing Partner, Gojo

Edoardo Borsari – Managing Director, Strands

Joyce Tee – Managing Director and Group Head of SME Banking, DBS

Mo Harvey – CEO, Tribe

Philip Sigwart – CEO, Baobab

Rajeev Chalisgaonkar Head of Business Banking, Mashreq Bank

  • Debate
September 20

TechPitch Showcase

Regency Ballroom

7-minute demonstration pitches by selected Fintechs

  • Raja Debnath – Co-Founder, Veefin
  • Sameer Vakil – Co-Founder and CEO, GlobalLinker
  • Dimitry Oosthoek – Head of Global Clients, Fyndoo
  • Lincoln Yin – Founder and CEO, Banco
  • John McGucken – Managing Director, Fern Software
  • Christian Ruehmer – Co-Founder, Q-Lana
  • Mo Harvey – CEO and Founder, Tribe
  • In-Person Activity
September 20

Networking Lounge

Meeting Suite 2, 1st Level
  • In-Person Activity
September 20


2nd Level Pre-Function Area/ Meeting Suite 2, 1st Level
  • Break
September 20

Breakout Session 1: Banking the Informal Sector

Meeting Suite 6, 2nd Level

How can the digital revolution aid in reaching and serving previously underserved populations, such as environmental and conflict affected migrants and refugees and IDPs?

Lesly Goh (moderator) Senior Technical Advisor, World Bank Group

Mehr Shah – Director of Knowledge Management, Karandaaz

Aria Widyanto – Director, Amartha

Chidi Okpala – CEO, Asante Finance

John Kane – Chief Innovation Officer, Tyme

Ongki Wanadjati Dana – Commissioner, Bank BTPN

  • Breakout Session
September 20

Breakout Session 3: DFIs RoundTable

Meeting Suite 4, 2nd Level

Led by DFC, the US Development Bank, and the Development Bank of Nigeria, this r oundtable session will bring together SME Finance Forum DFI members and regional DFIs for a candid discussion of private sector capital mobilization strategies and how this relates to closing the SME finance gap using the contrasting approaches taken by domestic and international DFIs.

James Polan VP of Development Credit, DFC

Tony Okpanachi – CEO, Development Bank of Nigeria

  • Breakout Session
September 20

Breakout Session 2: Digitalization for ESG Impact Measurement in SME Finance

Meeting Suite 5, 2nd Level

How can SMEs measure and use their ESG results to unlock greater opportunities for growth and securing financing?

Matt Gamser – CEO, SME Finance Forum, IFC

Dimitry Oosthoek – Head of Global Clients, Topicus

Lincoln Yin – Founder and CEO, Banco

Charosporn Chalermtiarana – Senior Government Affairs Adviser, Ant Financial

  • Breakout Session
September 20

Awards Ceremony

Regency Ballroom

Announcing the winners of the Global SME Finance Awards 2022

H.E. Chea Chanto – Governor, National Bank of Cambodia

Magda Bianco – G20 GPFI co-Chair

  • Global Awards
September 20


Regency Ballroom and Market Cafe

Gala Dinner

  • In-Person Activity
September 21


  • In-Person Activity
September 21

Welcome and Recap

Regency Ballroom
September 21

Keynote Address: Toward a Digital Economy: a view from Cambodia

Regency Ballroom

H.E. Phan Phalla – Secretary of State, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Cambodia

  • Keynote
September 21

Plenary Panel: Leveraging Digital Innovations for Women Entrepreneurs

Regency Ballroom

How can digitalization facilitate innovative and effective products and solutions so that more women entrepreneurs become better and more deeply “banked”?

Andrew McCartney (moderator) – Senior Financial Sector Economist, ADB

Khadijia Mariam – Head of Women Entrepreneur Cell, BRAC Bank

Debbie Watkins – CEO and CO-Founder, Lucy

Rachel Freeman – Executive Director, Business Development, Tyme

Joyce Tee – Group Head of SME Banking, DBS

  • Plenary
September 21

Remarks: Regulation vs Innovation: Balancing Acts

Regency Ballroom

H. E. Chea Ratha – Vice President External, CWEA

  • Remarks
September 21


1st and 2nd Levels

Refreshments will be available in two locations:

  • 2nd Level Pre-Function Area

  • Meeting Suite 2, 1st Level

  • Break
September 21

Breakout Session 2: Credit Bureaus Leveraging Digitalization

Regency Ballroom

Credit bureaus face a huge challenge in building fully digitized processes. What can they do to get ahead of demand for digital services?

Rajeev Chalisgaonkar - Head Of Business Banking, Mashreq Bank

Tony Hadley – EVP Experian

Prashanta Pradhan – Head of R&D, Credit Bureau Cambodia

Robert Grimberg – CEO, TREFI

Joe Bowerbank – Business Development, Creditinfo

  • Breakout Session
September 21

Breakout Session 1: Digital Native Entrepreneurs

Meeting Suite 4, 2nd Level

What are the opportunities and challenges in serving youth who tend to be digital natives and receptive to non-traditional financing models?

Alexander Soteriou (moderator) - Senior Financial Sector Specialist, IFC

Maurits Boeschoten – Senior Advisor FMO

Lito Villanueva – Head of Digital Enterprise, RCBC

Omnia Alhaddad – Deputy Managing Director, Yemen Loan Guarantee

Song Khenglay - Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, Canadia Bank PLC

  • Breakout Session
September 21


2nd Level Pre-Function Area
  • In-Person Activity
September 21

Plenary: Achieving and Sustaining Green Finance

Regency Ballroom

Digitalization offers an opportunity to accelerate the green revolution. Under the moniker, the Twin Transition, this will be an exploration of how FIs are realizing their green banking targets through the use of digital tools.

Francisco Avendano (moderator) – Senior Operations Officer, IFC

Bruno Laskowsky – Director of Capital Markets and Indirect Credit, BNDES

Edoardo Borsari – Managing Director, Strands

Ivana Tranchini – Country Manager, Cambodia, Visa

Oskar Miel Managing Partner, Rakuten Capital

  • Plenary
September 21

TechPitch Showcase

Regency Ballroom

7-minute demonstration pitches by selected Fintechs:

  • Rob Grimberg – Director, Founder, Capital Tool Company

  • Rama Notowidigdo – Co-founder, Sayurbox

  • Modise Motloba – CEO, Tysys

  • Vincent Ondiff – General Manager, Fintech Group

  • Manfred Borer – CEO, Koltiva

  • Debbie Watkins – CEO and Co-Founder, LUCY

  • In-Person Activity
September 21

Networking Lounge

Meeting Suite 2, 1st Level
  • In-Person Activity
September 21


Market Cafe
  • Break
September 21

Plenary Panel: Payment Innovations and the Future of SME Finance

Regency Ballroom

Is the future of SME payment infrastructure more centralized in a handful of efficient nodes, or more decentralized and driven by blockchain technology? Does programmable money have the potential to radically change how SME lenders and borrowers interact with each other?

Matt Gamser (moderator) – CEO, SME Finance Forum, IFC

H.E. Chea Serey Assistant Governor, National Bank of Cambodia

Sandeep Malhotra – EVP, Mastercard

Manu Rajan – CEO, Wing Division

Carrie Suen – Senior Advisor, International Public Policy and Government Affairs, Ant Group

September 21

Closing Keynote: The Way Forward in a World on the Move

Regency Ballroom

Piyash Gupta – CEO, DBS

  • Keynote
September 21

Closing Remarks

Regency Ballroom

Matt Gamser – CEO, SME Finance Forum, IFC

H.E. Dr. Chea Serey Assistant Governor, National Bank of Cambodia

  • Event Closing
September 21

Closing Reception

Market Cafe

Reception hosted by Khmer Enterprise

Remarks by H.E. Dr. Chhieng Vanmunin – CEO, Khmer Enterprise

  • Event Closing
September 22


  • In-Person Activity
September 22

GB-TAP Training: Green, Social and Sustainability Bonds Executive Training Day 1

Meeting Suite 2, 1st Level

The GSS Bonds Executive Training is an exclusive program offered only to selected banks. The program is an IFC initiative under its GB-TAP. The training is designed to provide deep insight on GSS bonds issuance and the underlying drivers in sustainable finance. The program contains some classroom-based learning materials but will also contain more dynamic learning components such as guest speakers, case studies and interactive discussions.

This highly practical training is designed specifically for emerging market banks interested in issuing GSS bonds. The training will seek to strengthen the bank staff’s foundational skills in green and sustainable finance. Topics covered will also include the investor perspective, practicalities of GSS bonds issuance, reporting to investors, and use of second opinions, among others. Lunch and refreshments provided.


Francisco Avendano – Operations Officer, IFC

Kaikham Onedamdy – Operations Officer, IFC

Martin Mills – Senior Sustainable Finance Consultant

  • Post-event Training
September 22

Trade Finance and Financial Integrity: Countering Trade-Based Money Laundering

Meeting Suite 7, 2nd Level

As global trade and trade finance have grown in recent decades, so too has trade-related crime. Trade-based money laundering (TBML) is an increasingly significant way in which global trade is misused to launder proceeds of crime. Financial institutions engaged in trade finance need to be vigilant and ensure to implement TBML-specific control frameworks to protect their business from potential regulatory scrutiny and loss of correspondent bank relationships. This session will provide an overview of IFC’s trade finance products with emphasis on supply chain finance and a primer of TBML related risks and controls based on international standards, including as defined by FATF and Wolfsberg Group.


Akintunde Ogunmodede Regional Head, Trade & Supply Chain Products – East Asia and Pacific, IFC

Rachit Khaitan – AML/CFT Specialist, IFC

  • Post-event Training
September 22


2nd Level Pre-Function Area

Lunch will be available at the 2nd Level Pre-Function Area for those attending the trainings

  • In-Person Activity
September 22

Responsible Finance Training: Responsible Finance in the Digital Age

Meeting Suite 7, 2nd Level

Financial service providers have an important role to play in ensuring that digital financial services are delivered responsibly. Responsible practices build trust and confidence in both accessing and using digital financial services leading to greater financial inclusion particularly for underserved groups. Join us for this engaging workshop designed for senior leaders of financial institutions and fintechs who are seeking to grow and enhance their businesses through responsible finance strategies. The session covers why responsible finance matters and the business case for responsible digital finance including managing evolving digital finance risks and deepening relationships with customers. Selected case studies and tools will be presented that can help equip participants to refine their operations and better respond to customer needs in the evolving digital landscape.


Christian Rodriguez Torres – Senior Operations Officer, Advisory Services, Financial Institutions Group, IFC

Jayshree Venkatesan – Director, Responsible Finance and Consumer Protection, Center for Financial Inclusion

Matthew Gabriel Brown – Senior Industry Specialist, Financial Institutions Group, IFC

  • Post-event Training
September 23

GB-TAP Training: Green, Social and Sustainability Bonds Executive Training Day 2

Meeting Suite 2, 1st Level

The GSS Bonds Executive Training is an exclusive program offered only to selected banks. The program is an IFC initiative under its GB-TAP. The training is designed to provide deep insight on GSS bonds issuance and the underlying drivers in sustainable finance. The program contains some classroom-based learning materials but will also contain more dynamic learning components such as guest speakers, case studies and interactive discussions.

This highly practical training is designed specifically for emerging market banks interested in issuing GSS bonds. The training will seek to strengthen the bank staff’s foundational skills in green and sustainable finance. Topics covered will also include the investor perspective, practicalities of GSS bonds issuance, reporting to investors, and use of second opinions, among others. Lunch and refreshments provided.


Francisco Avendano – Operations Officer, IFC

Kaikham Onedamdy – Operations Officer, IFC

Martin Mills – Senior Sustainable Finance Consultant

  • Post-event Training

Networking Lounge

Meeting Suite 7, 2nd Level


2nd Level Pre-Function Area

Transportation to Hyatt Hotel

Transportation to Welcome Reception


Closing Keynote: The Way Forward in a World on the Move

Regency Ballroom


Market Cafe

Keynote Address: Toward a Digital Economy: a view from Cambodia

Regency Ballroom

Closing Remarks

Regency Ballroom

Plenary Panel: Payment Innovations and the Future of SME Finance

Regency Ballroom


1st and 2nd Levels

TechPitch Showcase

Regency Ballroom

Breakout Session 1: Digital Native Entrepreneurs

Meeting Suite 4, 2nd Level

Breakout Session 3: DFIs RoundTable

Meeting Suite 4, 2nd Level


2nd Level Pre-Function Area/ Meeting Suite 2, 1st Level

Networking Lounge

Meeting Suite 2, 1st Level

GB-TAP Training: Green, Social and Sustainability Bonds Executive Training Day 2

Meeting Suite 2, 1st Level



Responsible Finance Training: Responsible Finance in the Digital Age

Meeting Suite 7, 2nd Level

Trade Finance and Financial Integrity: Countering Trade-Based Money Laundering

Meeting Suite 7, 2nd Level

GB-TAP Training: Green, Social and Sustainability Bonds Executive Training Day 1

Meeting Suite 2, 1st Level

Closing Reception

Market Cafe

Remarks: Regulation vs Innovation: Balancing Acts

Regency Ballroom

Networking Lounge

Meeting Suite 2, 1st Level

Plenary: Achieving and Sustaining Green Finance

Regency Ballroom


2nd Level Pre-Function Area

Plenary Panel: Leveraging Digital Innovations for Women Entrepreneurs

Regency Ballroom

Breakout Session 2: Credit Bureaus Leveraging Digitalization

Regency Ballroom

Welcome and Recap

Regency Ballroom




Regency Ballroom and Market Cafe

Awards Ceremony

Regency Ballroom

Breakout Session 2: Digitalization for ESG Impact Measurement in SME Finance

Meeting Suite 5, 2nd Level

Breakout Session 1: Banking the Informal Sector

Meeting Suite 6, 2nd Level

TechPitch Showcase

Regency Ballroom

Debate: Will Robots Replace Bankers?

Regency Ballroom

Lunch + Informal Networking

2nd Level Pre-Function Area

Plenary Panel: Banking on SMEs: Driving Growth, Creating Jobs

Regency Ballroom

Plenary Panel: Agricultural Digitalization

Regency Ballroom


Market Cafe

Plenary Panel: Supply Chain Finance – Transformation, Digitalization and New Trends

Regency Ballroom

Opening Keynote: Building an inclusive and resilient digital revolution

Regency Ballroom

Opening Remarks

Regency Ballroom

Welcome Remarks

Regency Ballroom

Registration Open


Opening Cocktail Reception and Cultural Presentation

Sosoro Museum

Study Tours

Lobby to get on buses


2nd Level Pre-Function Area

SME Finance Forum Member’s Meeting

Regency Ballroom

Registration Open

Study Tours

Commercial Bank – first bank in Cambodia that assigned ratings by the top international ratings agencies and has the largest branch network to all provinces and towns in the country - all segments of the community in Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar

Find out more

Commercial bank – the fastest growing bank in Cambodia with full-fledged digital services and features that allows customers to access and manage financial needs easily and safely through their mobile phone - the Mass Market and SME segments

Find out more

Credit guarantee institution - leading provider of information, analytical tools and credit reporting services to organizations and consumers Cambodia – lenders and borrowers

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Commercial bank – provider of financial services, including mobile banking, interbank transfers, overdraft loan, payroll and insurance referral services – Cambodian people

Find out more

Commercial bank – provider of an array of advanced financial products, including loans, deposits, micro savings, credit referral services, money transfers, utility and insurance payments – individual and corporate customers in Cambodia

Find out more
Training Sessions
GB-TAP Training: Green, Social and Sustainability Bonds Executive Training 1st Day
The GSS Bonds Executive Training is an exclusive program offered only to selected banks. The program is an IFC initiative under its GB-TAP. The training is designed to provide deep insight on GSS bonds issuance and the underlying drivers in sustainable finance. The program contains some classroom- based learning materials but will also contain more dynamic learning components such as guest speakers, case studies and interactive discussions.

This highly practical training is designed specifically for emerging market banks interested in issuing GSS bonds. The training will seek to strengthen the bank staff’s foundational skills in green and sustainable finance. Topics covered will also include the investor perspective, practicalities of GSS bonds issuance, reporting to investors, and use of second opinions, among others.
Trade Finance and Financial Integrity: Countering Trade-Based Money Laundering
As global trade and trade finance have grown in recent decades, so too has trade-related crime. Trade-based money laundering (TBML) is an increasingly significant way in which global trade is misused to launder proceeds of crime. Financial institutions engaged in trade finance need to be vigilant and ensure to implement TBML-specific control frameworks to protect their business from potential regulatory scrutiny and loss of correspondent bank relationships. This session will provide an overview of IFC’s trade finance products with emphasis on supply chain finance and a primer of TBML related risks and controls based on international standards, including as defined by FATF and Wolfsberg Group.
Responsible Finance Training: Responsible Finance in the Digital Age
Financial service providers have an important role to play in ensuring that digital financial services are delivered responsibly. Responsible practices build trust and confidence in both accessing and using digital financial services leading to greater financial inclusion particularly for underserved groups. Join us for this engaging workshop designed for senior leaders of financial institutions and fintechs who are seeking to grow and enhance their businesses through responsible finance strategies. The session covers why responsible finance matters and the business case for responsible digital finance including managing evolving digital finance risks and deepening relationships with customers. Selected case studies and tools will be presented that can help equip participants to refine their operations and better respond to customer needs in the evolving digital landscape.
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