Africa SME Finance Forum Africa 2018

Harnessing Innovation

15-16 May Africa 2018

Villa Rosa Kempinski


Why You Should Have Attended

The Africa SME Finance Forum Africa 2018 examined the key challenges faced by MSMEs in Africa, and explored innovative local and global best practice solutions to promote youth entrepreneurship and enhance access to financing for MSMEs. The conference focused on how Africa is harnessing digital technology to disrupt traditional banking industry and to create new banking infrastructure to fill gaps where there has been a lack of access to financial services. Topics covered included blockchain and SME finance, incumbent and "challenger" banking, electronic payments and remittances, and youth entrepreneurship finance.

The Africa Forum also featured global good practices and cutting-edge innovations by bringing leading and successful innovators, internationally recognized experts, and successful practitioners to share their perspectives and experiences. The conference was preceded by member only study visits to financial institutions and fintechs that have innovative ways of serving SMEs clients.


Learn about industry trends

70+ Speakers & 7 Study Visits


Meet industry leaders

370+ Attendees & 170+ Institutions


Make partnerships & business deals

12 Fintech Demo & 23 B2B Market Place Vendors

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